Krzysztof Wancerski
Having heard that Javi is stepping down this year, I realised that this is my chance to make a difference in the department.
My academic record at Imperial is solid and I believe I have what it takes to represent our year in terms of academics.
My top priorities:
1. Sort out level 2 seating... - I'll continue Javi's efforts to ask for more tables and chairs to be added. If the layout of the floor was improved I think we can at least double the capacity of it. This is especially needed considering the new master programme students are now also using the space.
2. ...and the kitchen - We've now only got one working microwave, and the queues at lunchtime are horrendous. I'll push for more to be added.
3. Ensure feedback deadlines are held to - Now that these are clearly stated, I'll make sure that our lecturers keep to them and escalate if necessary.
4. Listen - I'll always have my inbox open for anyone to share their concerns with me.
I hope to get your vote.
Thank you,