Hi, I am Zahra a first-year medic. I have a keen interest in wider medicine and believe I can aid the society in its future endeavours. I will ensure that each meeting is meticulously planned, with clear agendas circulated in advance. By establishing a structured format and assigning specific roles, we will maximize productivity and ensure all voices are heard. I will take comprehensive minutes, capturing essential ...
Hey I'm Shreya and I'm running to be your next secretary for MedHums. I have loved being a part of MedHums and something that looks to the human side of medicine and seeing 'patients' more as 'people' and not just cases. In my previous experience: I established and coordinated a Medical Society supporting sixth form students entry into medical university - recording notes of every meeting and planning meetings I ...
Hi everyone! I'm Sophie and I'm a third year medic intercalating in humanities philosophy and law next year :) I'd love to be your secretary as humanities plays such an important and under appreciated role in medicine and I'd like to be able to encourage more medics to broaden their outlook and get involved in medical humanities. I hope to do this by getting involved in running the conference and supporting other me ...