Photo of Nana Vanichayangkuranont

Nana Vanichayangkuranont

Dance Company: Contemporary Director

Having met such a lovely group of people in ICDC through competing in the advanced contemporary team this year, I am truly touched and inspired to help the community grow.

I personally think that contemporary is hard to define—often bounded by iffy lines of what it is or is not. However, what is constant about it is its expressive and organic nature that allows us to be vulnerable to ourselves and one another. Hence my motivation to run for contemporary director.

My main goals as contemporary director would be to:

1) Create a creative space that encourages growth as dancers and people. This would be through leading a variety of classes on improvisation, foundations, techniques and choreography while painting a wider picture of what contemporary beyond its (more common) commercialized form by providing historical and cultural context.

2) Build an inclusive community via cultivating a supportive and positive team spirit, ensuring transparent communication and choreographing to all members’ strengths.

As someone who has been in the contemporary/modern dance scene for six years, I have competed internationally, won two national titles, worked with artists in the commercial industry, performed group improv in music festivals, choreographed, worked backstage and so on. However, I believe that those experiences will ever be so valuable only if shared, especially with a passionate, cute, warm and friendly community—yes, you know I am referring to ICDC. <3