Photo of Rachel Wong

Rachel Wong

Prosthetics: Sponsorship Officer

I am Rachel, a first year Molecular Bioengineering student running for the position of Sponsorship Officer in the Prosthetic society. As a passionate member for assistive technologies, I recently joined the Cybathlon Leg Team and was in charge of the mechanics of knees. Through weekly meetings and socialising, I feel a sense of belonging and would like to further contribute as a committee member. The design of our prosthetic leg would not have been possible without the funding of the Union and our sponsors. With my experience and enthusiasm, I am eager to use the power of collaboration and partnerships to amplify the impact of our society.

My aim is to establish a platform for students interested in prosthetics and amputee rehabilitation to connect, learn and grow. To achieve this vision, I will focus on:

  • Expand our network to enhance reach and influence
  • Develop campaigns and marketing materials to raise awareness and funds
  • Promote our sponsors through social media, email newsletters, and event collateral
  • Organise fundraising events for prosthetic research and amputee support organisations

Potential Sponsors:

  • Prosthetic manufacturers and startups
  • Disability advocate groups
  • Universities alumnus and research centres

With my unwavering determination and strong networking skills, I am confident to forge long-lasting sponsorships. Please consider me to lead our sponsorship efforts. With your vote, I will work tirelessly to strengthen our impact within the university and assistive technology industry. Together, we can promote the importance of accessibility and inclusion in all aspects of life.

Thank you for your support!