Photo of Jim Ji

Jim Ji

Engineers Without Borders UK: Chief Innovation Officer

To my manifesto readers:

Hello! I am Jim Ji, a first-year Biomedical Technology Ventures undergraduate. I am running for the Chief Innovation Officer position of the Engineers Without Borders UK Society because of my continuing enthusiasm for Engineering and my past experiences in student unions.

I earned various leadership experiences in high school student unions. I worked as the head of the coordination department and vice president to organize innovative future engineering events like symposiums for astronauts, brain anatomy lectures, and Pharmaceutical modeling. My high school classmates recognised these events well as they gained insights into engineering as a major and a career route. Apart from professional engineering knowledge, I also learned leadership, collaboration, and organizational skills from these experiences: I wouldn't be unfamiliar with organising society events.

As a future Chief Innovation Officer of the society, I aim to introduce frontier technologies in every branch of engineering. If elected, I would like to contact research scientists to hold symposiums for the latest technologies like the Brain-Machine Interface, Renewable Energy, and Virtual Reality. Additionally, I will organise industry visits and university visits with funding to familiarise my society members with the daily work routines of engineers. Finally, I will contact the Imperial Advanced Hackspace to hold mini-workshops introducing engineering techniques like 3D printing.

My innovative plans for society activities and past working experiences make me a good fit for the Chief Innovation Officer position. Voting for me will be a choice that you will never regret! Thank you!
