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Janica Chan

Imperial Marrow : Volunteer Coordinator

Hello! I'm Janica, and I'm currently a microbiology student whose interests include infectious diseases, prions and fungi. Outside of academics I enjoy cooking, knitting, and listening to music and playing the piano.

I am passionate about increasing patients' access to treatments, especially when a solution is possible. Blood cancer patients' lives could be directly saved if they are correctly matched with a stem cell donor. However, finding potential stem cell donors wouldn't be possible without the help of volunteers, and this is why I am running for the role of volunteer coordinator. It is important that volunteers feel prepared for their roles, therefore, as the volunteer coordinator I would be responsible for:

  • organising volunteer training sessions to ensure volunteers are properly trained before events
  • educating volunteers so they can grasp a better understanding of the charity and process, and ensure volunteers are well-equipped to recruit potential donors to the register
  • recruiting new volunteers to support Imperial Marrow
  • supporting and advising fellow volunteers in their volunteering journey!

Volunteering is incredibly important to me and is something that I have been doing for many years now. I hope to be able to help people with blood cancer and disorders, and hope to have the opportunity to change their lives through volunteers and volunteering. I am excited for the possibility to perform this role and join the committee, and look forward to the future of the organisation!