Photo of Wanna Magadi

Wanna Magadi

FemTech: Head of Subcommittee

Hey Everyone! My name is Wanna and I’m a second-year Medical Biosciences student running for FemTech Head of Subcommittee this year!

While I don’t think I’ll have the most committee experience compared to some of the other candidates running this year, I’m fully prepared to give this my best shot and put my all into giving you all more opportunities and projects in FemTech :)

I’m super passionate about all the developments in Women’s Health and I really like the idea of building a fun community where we can all get more involved in this industry!

Overall, I’d like to be the FemTech Subcommittee Head this year to introduce more people into the world of FemTech, and make it feel less intimidating to build a fun community for everyone to join!

Congrats on reaching the end of this manifesto! Hope I didn’t bore you too much :D