Photo of Mahir Shah

Mahir Shah

Respiratory Medicine: Sponsorship Officer

Hi, I'm Mahir, a 3rd year medical student!

In the role of Sponsorship Officer, my dedication will be directed towards securing funding and resources to foster the prosperity of our society. Collaborating closely with the Treasurer and fellow executive members, I aim to establish well-defined and transparent budgets for each of our organized events or activities.

Seeking out opportunities to optimize the outcomes of our sponsorships, I will identify partners whose values align with ours, sharing a mutual commitment to advancing research and enhancing patient care. By forging alliances with experts in the Respiratory Medicine field, we can offer our members valuable insights into the latest developments.

Additionally, my focus extends to crafting events that provide hands-on experience and practical skills in alignment with our members' career aspirations. Through partnerships with local hospitals and surgical centers, we can facilitate opportunities for our members to gain meaningful insights into the dynamic field.

Ultimately, my objective is to ensure that every resource at our disposal is utilized in a manner that maximizes its value and impact for both our society and its members. Upholding a responsible and accountable approach to financial management, I aim to contribute to building a robust and sustainable organization that effectively meets the needs of our members and the broader community.