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Gemma Fallouh

Respiratory Medicine: Conference Chair

Hello everybody, I’m Gemma and I am currently a second year medical student! I am very excited to be running for Respiratory society Conference chair. I believe I have the experience and enthusiasm to organise a conference that will simply take your breathe away!

I had the pleasure of attending this years Respiratory conference and I especially enjoyed the practical workshops which are invaluable and unique to conferences. Having been interested in the world of research from sixth form, with my first article being creatively titled ‘Why Did the Duck Cross the Road?’ which focused on the neurological pathway of laughter, I endeavor to include poster presentations in the conference as they are a fantastic gateway to the academic pathway of medicine! I would love to use my experience from several other committee conferences I have attended to integrate all the tremendous activities seamlessly.

Furthermore, I have experience with organising large scale events and communicating with third-party companies, which are essential for this role. For example, in my school career, I was the lead charity representative for four years where I was responsible for facilitating an annual charity fair - where leadership and liasing with internal and external parties are central to the logistics of the event.