Photo of Yashwin Shyam

Yashwin Shyam

Oncology: Sponsorship Officer

With a passion for forging meaningful partnerships and finding the best resources to propel this beautiful society, I am dedicated to finding sponsorships that will help the society grow and excel.

Having been head of the charity team in my school, I had to email several organisations to find the right sponsors for the biggest charity event at school. I also had to email different charities to get speakers for our event. I believe this experience has honed the right skills to place me in the best position to find the best sponsors for the society

My manifesto revolves around 2 main principles:

  1. Collaboration – collaboration is key to gaining sponsorships and establishing collaborative partnerships with the right organisations like healthcare organisations will boost the society’s value and help it grow in the right direction. With my past experience, I can form the right collaborations for this society fostering mutually beneficial relationships with organisations.
  2. Diversification – Sticking to one sponsor will not help the society in terms of growth, as sponsorship officer I will diversify the societies sponsorship portfolio through emailing the right organisations in the right manner, this will leave the society with plentiful resources to help the society grow.

In conclusion, my past experience in emailing organisations and speakers puts me in the perfect position to take over as sponsorship officer and recruit the best sponsors for this society to advance.