Photo of Jamie Moras

Jamie Moras

Mountaineering: Diversity & Inclusion officer

Hello everyone! My name is Jamie and I have been a loyal member of this club for the last two years. Going into my final year I would love to contribute back to my favourite club as a member of comittee!

ICMC has a rich history of conquering peaks and fostering camaraderie. But mountains are for everyone, and our community should reflect that. As Diversity and Inclusivity officer, I pledge to make ICMC a place where everyone feels welcome, empowered, and inspired to reach new heights. Here's my vision:

  • Breaking down barriers: We'll identify and dismantle any barriers that prevent individuals from joining and thriving in ICMC. This includes actively addressing issues of gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, ability, and experience level.
  • Embracing diverse experiences: We'll create opportunities for members of all backgrounds and skill levels to participate in ICMC activities.

More than just inclusion, I promise empowerment. By fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, we'll:

  • Unlock potential: By removing barriers and creating a supportive environment, we'll empower individuals to push their limits and achieve their full potential in the mountains.
  • Become a role model: ICMC can set an example for other clubs at Imperial, demonstrating the transformative power of diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of campus life.

The mountains are calling, and we want everyone to answer. Together, let's make ICMC a place where everyone feels like they belong, a place where we all reach the summit, together.

Vote for me, and a more inclusive and empowering ICMC!