Photo of Zach Cox

Zach Cox

Pokemon: Competitive Secretary

Hi guys, I'm Zach and I'm excited to be running for competitive secretary next year :) After joining PokéSoc at the start of this year, I'm really glad to have had the opportunity to meet plenty of cool people and spend more of my time doing something I really enjoy. Of course, a huge contributor to how fun PokéSoc has been for me were the regular friendly matches and opportunities to play in more competitive events. I've been into Pokémon for basically my whole life, and PokéSoc has managed to create a welcoming environment that makes competitive play both accessible and enjoyable. So that's something I aim to do my best to maintain for the society next year – after so much experience playing myself, I have an understanding of how to make competitive play fun at all levels. I've also been involved in a variety of roles in other societies that have helped me build my organisational skills, and of course I'm down for a friendly match any time. Hopefully I can count on your vote so that next year I can continue exerting randbats dominance uhh i mean do my best to keep the society thriving ! !