Photo of Nish Pahuja

Nish Pahuja

Origami: Treasurer

As the current treasurer, I believe I have been able to ensure that the financial aspects of the origami run smoothly. This includes having sufficient funds at all times, as well as discussing financial aspects of origami between other societies during collabs. I am grateful for this opportunity to be the treasurer and a part of the origami committee and believe I did the best I could.

However, there is always room for improvement, and there are things that I’d like to streamline a bit better this year. If you vote for me, I’ll do an even better job as a treasurer and bring some amazing plans into action. I have plans to create a proposal draft that can be easily used to increase the number of collaborations with other societies and increase interaction and exposure, which would also help grow the Imperial Origami community.

I also plan to improve communication with the union to ensure consistency when it comes to events and expenditures.

Thanks for reading my manifesto, and I hope you vote for me😊