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Gemma Fallouh

Radiology Society: Conference Lead

Hello everybody, I’m Gemma and I am currently a second year medical student! I would be delighted to be your conference lead for Radiology Society.

Radiology is a speciality that is often overlooked by most medical students and I believe that the annual Radiology conference is the perfect opportunity to showcase what radiology is truly about: creating the networking opportunities, insights and differing perspectives into the realities of the speciality that you simply cannot get anywhere else. After attending this years conference, I particularly enjoyed the interactive workshops and the riveting (and humerus!) talks by world class radiologists. As your conference lead, I hope to bring all of these to next years conference and inspire the next generation of radiologists.

In my school career, I was the lead charity representative which involved organising large charity fairs for four years running. These events required me to manage the finances of the event, contact charities and organisations as well as coordinating the logistics of such a large event. All of these skills combined, ensured a smoothly running and thrilling event and I believe I can bring these essential expertise to the radiology society.