Photo of Omar Brahim Maaouni

Omar Brahim Maaouni

Aeronautics: Alumni Officer

Hello everyone,

My name is Omar, and I am applying for the position of Alumni Officer! In my academic journey at university, I've consistently found the advice from those with more experience invaluable. Whether it comes from lecturers, alumni, or older students, their insights have been incredibly useful.

Most Tuesdays, we all get an AeroSoc careers talk that is usually prepared by the alumni who are working in different domains for Aeronautical Engineers. Moments like these are crucial for our future and give us a great opportunity to learn about people with more experience in our passion, which is very valuable even for first-year students like me.

I strongly believe that the relationship between the current students and the alumni is fundamental for our personal and professional development. If we facilitate regular interaction and initiatives by organising different events for students and alumni, like socials, that will serve as icebreakers between the two parts (pubcrawls, dinners, etc.).

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to serve and contribute to the advancement of our Aeronautics community.