Photo of Mustafaa Khan

Mustafaa Khan

Debating: Tournaments Director

Hello! For those who don't know me I'm Mustafaa.

I'm passionate about making Imperial's tournaments next year truly amazing and putting in all the work to make them a reality.

Why I'm suitable for the role:

  • I've come to the most training sessions out of everyone in the society (every session except 3) and among the most competitions so am clearly devoted to the debating cause.
  • I've been on 6 committees within the medical school union and have loads of experience running events like conferences and working with large teams of people
  • I wanna make running these competitions about the vibe. Will make sure anyone who helps judge or convene is rewarded with well planned socials both on the day and prior to it (when organising)
  • I'm going to host more informal and internal imperial debates to grow our society and maintain strong engagement.

Thanks to anyone who votes for me!