Photo of Lavanya Murki

Lavanya Murki

General Practice (ICSM): Early Years Reprentative

Hi everyone, I’m Lavanya and I’m running to be the early years representative.

GP is a vital aspect of the structure that makes up the healthcare system. Through my GP placements, I have developed an interest in the specialty which I would like to share with other students as it is an incredibly diverse specialty.

If I were to be elected as early years representative, my two primary aims would be to organise useful and insightful tutorials and talks. The tutorials would be centred around helping students with their CCP projects as well as what students should do to get the most out of their GP placements, which is often not addressed. I would also organise talks around GP including the relevant pathways and opportunities in the profession. These talks would serve to increase the interest among the younger years and could also help to increase the awareness surrounding the society in general. In addition to this, I would also collaborate with other societies to increase the reach of the society.

Having volunteered for Teddy Bear Hospital and having been on the subcommittee, I’ve been able to take part in organising and adapting some of the stations for children who are neurodivergent in collaboration with the Neurodiversity society. I am an organised, resilient and responsible individual and would be able to adapt to the team to organise the best possible tutorials and talks for the younger years.

I would very much appreciate your vote – thank you!