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Hugo Sivov

Sexpression: Treasurer

I am excited to announce my candidacy for Treasurer of Sexpression:Imperial. In this coming year I would like to see Sexpression:Imperial become more financially independent.

As the current treasurer, and having been treasurer previously in the 21/22 academic year, I am aware of the financial needs of the society, and the best ways to secure this funding. As treasurer I became familiar with the ICSU grant systems and through it secured funding for demonstration materials and core costs.

As Fundraising director for the Sexpression National Committee I am also familiar with the support the national committee can provide. Notably, I hope to put forward an application for the national committee’s Branches and Advocacy fund in the coming year In the next year and work with national committee to allow branches to be more flexible in their fundraising efforts.

If elected, I will use my experience to grow our society’s finances to allow us more flexibility in securing speakers and offering more support to our volunteers.