Photo of Rama Aowidah

Rama Aowidah

Sexpression: Chair


I’m Rama (she/her), I’m a third-year medic and I’m running for Sexpression Chair!

Being part of Sexpression this year, both as a co-school liaison lead and as a volunteer has been an absolute delight due to the wonderful and supportive committee who have been so lovely to work with (for example thank you to Cate my co-school liason lead!) and also due to the breadth of schools we have gotten to work with. I’m sure everyone that’s done a school visit can agree that Sexpression is an incredibly rewarding charity to volunteer with!

I would love to continue on the incredible work that our branch has achieved this year thanks to our committee and thanks to our current Chair! I think next year, we could aim to recruit more volunteers by really pushing our first training session on Whatsapp chats, posters and newsletters if possible, as well as hosting a second training day! I’d also like to continue expanding our collaborations (thank you to our ICUsToo collab lead Avi!) by

  • Working internally - e.g ICSM Haemsoc, which I was secretary of this year, for hosting HIV related research talks
  • Working externally with CICs - e.g Student MedAid London (a medical donation charity that I’m director of this year so it would be fairly easy to set up!)
  • Working externally with charities such as TransActual who I have been emailing throughout the year about improving trans healthcare education in medical schools.

And hopefully many more events and collaborations!