Photo of Akshaya Muthirulandi

Akshaya Muthirulandi

Society of Research and Academia: Social and Networking Secretary

Hi! I am Akshaya Muthirulandi, your future Society of Research and Academia’s Social Networking Secretary.

Having spent this previous year serving on subcommittee for Surgical Society, I have gained invaluable experience in being a part of the organising committee for the plastic surgery masterclass (coming soon) :) and helping recruiting mentors for the currently very popular mentorship scheme. This taught me the invaluable skill of networking with people, and I have successfully recruited people to the scheme – showing that I have demonstrated this skill. Additionally, this year, I was the Head of Culture for Imperial’s Tamil Society – which gave me invaluable organisation skills and time management and taught me how to deal with union demands with rooms, etc. Furthermore, being a Head of Culture meant that I needed to be good at promotion to advertise my events and ensure enough turnout. For this, I needed to strategise between different styles of social media such as Instagram and TikTok - and I feel like this skill will be transferrable to helping SORA grow as a society.

In the future, I want to provide a strategy that links different social media together to provide in-depth information for members of SORA that helps them network. As someone who has recruited people for mentorship schemes, I know the importance of LinkedIn in finding opportunities, so finding a way to utilise LinkedIn more within SORA would be my objective in the future.

I hope this has inspired you to vote Akshaya Muthirulandi :)