Photo of Raz Mohd Razlan

Raz Mohd Razlan

Chemical Engineering: Communications Officer

Hi everyone! I'm Raz and I'll be running for communications officer.

I think we all know that chemical engineering can be stressful and sometimes we all just need a break. That's why our department has so many different fun events planned out for us, the problem is that not everyone knows about these events. Thus, my goal as communications officer is to make sure everyone is updated with the latest news, events and information regarding our course without having to look for it.

As part of the media team in college, I have vast experience in designing graphic posters and social media postings using Canva. I also regularly made photo and video content for my online baking business on Instagram when I was living back at home, where I managed to earn 10k views on one of my Instagram reels. Therefore, I would say I have an eye for eye-catching content creation.

If I were your future communications officer, I will continue to create visually aesthetic content for ChemEngSoc's social media to effectively deliver information about the latest events and news regarding our course. I will also make sure to disseminate the content uniformly on all social media platforms, including message group chats to ensure it reaches all audiences. Besides that, I would also like to introduce more content in the form of Instagram reels and incorporate the latest trends to keep the page lighthearted and bring a smile to student's faces.

Your vote is much appreciated!