Photo of Akshaya Muthirulandi

Akshaya Muthirulandi

Society of Research and Academia: Publicity Officer

Hi! I am Akshaya Muthirulandi, your future Society of Research and Academia’s Publicity officer.

Having spent this previous year serving on subcommittee for Surgical Society, I have gained invaluable experience in being a part of the organising committee for the plastic surgery masterclass (coming soon) :) and helping recruiting mentors for the currently very popular mentorship scheme. This taught me the invaluable skill of networking with people, and I have successfully recruited people to the scheme. Additionally, this gave me insight into advertising. Additionally, this year, I was the Head of Culture for Imperial’s Tamil Society – which gave me invaluable organisation skills and time management and taught me how to deal with union demands with rooms, etc. Furthermore, being a Head of Culture meant that I needed to be good at promotion to advertise my events and ensure enough turnout. This meant learning different social media strategies, such as using Instagram and TikTok and creating eye-catching posts.

What would I like to bring to SORA? I would maintain current advertising standards before every event, bring more awareness to different SORA events through SORA’s Instagram posts, and maintain getting stories out promoting events. I hope to collaborate with other universities and different societies within Imperial (for example, the Surgical Society to create awareness of research within surgical speciality).

Thank you for reading my manifesto and Vote for Akshaya Muthirulandi :)