Photo of Vanathi Pugalendhi

Vanathi Pugalendhi

Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières: Innovation Coordinator

Hi everyone! My name is Vanathi Pugalendhi and I’m running for Innovation Coordinator for Friends of MSF.

I have experience liaising with various parties and organising events with many moving parts as part of Imperial College Singapore Society’s committee and as a founding Vice-Chairperson of my school’s Green Interest Group - as Innovation Coordinator I can effectively work with the Vice-Presidents to ensure the smooth running of the hackathon as well as facilitate conversation and engage with new stakeholders for us to push out even more innovative and never-before seen ideas.

I would love to research unique case studies to present real-world problems to participants as well as identify key ways in which we can further support their ideas beyond the conference such as presenting them on our publicity pages, increasing motivation and drive to generate higher quality ideas.

I will also ensure that we provide more structured support to participants involved in the hackathon relating to coding advice and translating a solution from theory to reality.

I deeply believe in MSF’s goal of providing impartial humanitarian aid and it would be incredibly meaningful to me to work with the team to organise the annual Makeathon. I hope you will provide me with the opportunity of bringing an even more engaging and novel edge to the Makeathon and I look forward to working with all of you soon!