Photo of Sudarshan Bhavinkumar Khamar

Sudarshan Bhavinkumar Khamar

Indian National Student Association: President

Namaste! I am Sudarshan Khamar, and I am thrilled to run for the presidency of the Indian National Student Association (INSA) at Imperial College London. My commitment as President is to address the concerns and issues that matter most to Indian national students. Under my leadership, INSA will be the true "Home away from Home" for every Indian student at Imperial.

Understanding the challenges of studying abroad, I aim to create a supportive environment that fosters a profound sense of belonging. We will embrace diverse ideas, opinions, faiths, and cultures, echoing the core values of the Indian ethos. Guided by the principles of INSA-UK and the motto of India First, we will work diligently to protect the interests of Indian students at Imperial. Under INSA's banner, we will collaborate closely with academic resources to provide unwavering support and assistance, enhancing the academic journey of Indian students. Let's join hands to build a stronger, more connected Indian student community. I humbly seek your support to turn these visions into reality.