Photo of Yash Shah

Yash Shah

DoCSoc: Postgraduate and Alumni Liaison

Hi, I'm Yash! I'd love to bring my passion for connecting people and ideas to DocSoc.

I've always loved speaking with people and hearing inspiring stories. Having founded and organised two TEDx conferences, I've experienced the power of bringing together alumni and students to spark curiosity and create incredible events. Securing over £3500 in sponsorship from an alumnus was an incredible feeling, and being able to invite back old students to speak to the current students taught me the importance of leveraging alumni networks.

Demonstrated the circular journey of giving back to the community that once gave you so much.

I have developed skills in establishing meaningful relationships with alumni who are eager to contribute to student initiatives. For example, I organised a charity concert at school where I secured a donation of £1500 for two international charities, and was also fortunate to secure a yearly sponsorship fund from a Tech Alumnus for my school's Computing Society.

Imperial boasts a stellar alumni network, and I'd love to be the bridge between DocSoc and our alumni. Opportunities to collaborate, facilitate mentorship and career opportunities.

After all, we never know when a small piece of advice could be life-changing or resonant to us!

I'd love to continue to make DocSoc the best society for its members. From helping to organise events to securing sponsorships and facilitating alumni engagement, I'm ready to roll up my sleeves and make this the best year yet. Let's shape the future of Computing at Imperial!