Photo of Rehan Baig

Rehan Baig

Investment: Head of Diversity & Inclusivity

Hey everyone, my name is Rehan. Diversity and inclusion is something the financial sector has always struggled with and so I believe it is our responsibility to facilitate progress starting right at our front doorstep. Investing should not be something which alienates or excludes but rather brings people together and gives opportunities to those who otherwise would not be afforded them. As head of diversity and inclusion I would ensure that all people are fairly represented and treated with respect.

I would enact this through organising events targetting underrepresented groups in our uni and distributing opportunities which aim to elevate those groups through a weekly newsletter. Change is often too slow and so it would be my responsibility to make this as seemless and effective as possible.

Having spoken to the previous holder of this role I am aware of its significance and learned from the lessons of the previous committee cohort. If you also want imperial to be a place where diversity is not only accepted but championed vote for Rehan!