Photo of Emily Yu

Emily Yu

Investment: Head of Diversity & Inclusivity

Hi everyone! I'm Emily, a second year Medical Biosciences student running to be your Head of Diversity & Inclusivity. Having been to numerous events held by the Investment Society and an equity analyst in QT Capital, I have seen how engaged and interested our members are in the events this year.

As Head of Diversity and Inclusion, I will create an environment that not only respects but actively celebrates diversity. I will cultivate an inclusive culture that embraces diversity in all aspects. To do so, I will commit to several key initiatives

  1. Partnering with societies such as Women in Business, Women in SET, IQ, to organise events surrounding diversity, such as events around women in finance to help members gain an insight into what it's as a woman in the industry.
  2. I know that networking is crucial in this industry, so I hope to implement networking opportunities where members can easily contact industry professionals from different backgrounds to share experiences and expertise.
  3. Curating dynamic speaker series featuring professionals from underrepresented backgrounds to showcase diverse perspectives, providing inspiration and bridging the gap between aspiration and success.
  4. Hosting workshops to help members with applications to spring weeks, summer internships to provide any assistance they might need.

A career in finance and investment may seem daunting but I hope to create an environment that ensures people feel respected and valued, not only within our society, but also within their future careers and beyond.