Photo of Gabrielle Boyer

Gabrielle Boyer

Dodgeball: Tour Secretary

Bonjour people,

The first version of my manifesto was three pages long, the second version still exceeded the word limit, so I just feel my freedom of speech wasn’t respected (so will anyone’s who dares complain about my tour).

In the last two years, I've been fighting for people to actually acknowledge there is more to my personality than just being French, but for once it works in my advantage. I know Europe, I've been there more than 90 times in my life. Speaking 3.2 languages, I technically can speak with 87.77% of Europe (T&C's apply). So I know my stuff.

My plan for tour is pretty straightforward: have fun. Even though I don’t drink, please be assured that the notorious alcoholism of the dodgeball club will be taken into account in tour planning. I will do my best to keep tour affordable (but I will not be held responsible for the fortune you spend on alcohol and food though). In terms of activities, I think sleeping is not that vital, so I am thinking shenanigans in the day and then shenanigans at night. Tour is only three days long, so we can’t afford spending time sleeping. So yes, there will be a scavenger hunt with the dumbest costumes possible, clubbing, eating, shuffle boards and pool games, tour diner, potential award ceremony (if we can actually manage to get everyone in the same place at the same time)... And also, tour will be in a sunny place (Malta for example).