Photo of Dhruv Padam Kumar

Dhruv Padam Kumar

Jain: Vice Chair

Hello everyone!

I am Dhruv Padam Kumar and I am currently studying MEng in the department of Computing. Having spent a year as a member of Jain Soc, I have realized that I just want to help grow the society and contribute to it in any way I can.

So here are some of my plans:

I want to continue our collaborations with Jain student association and the collaborations with Jain societies of other universities. I also want to make the Jain society more engaging and active with multiple events. My goal is to cultivate an inclusive environment within the Jain Society, so that all students who are interested in this amazing religion can take part in our events, not just those who are Jains.

So, let's make memories, break boundaries, and celebrate our culture like never before. I'm pumped to dive into this journey alongside each and every one of you, and with your support, together we can turn our visions into reality. So, cast your vote for Dhruv Padam Kumar as your Vice Chair, and let's embark on this incredible adventure together.