Photo of Angela Cebolla Sousa

Angela Cebolla Sousa

Students for Global Health: Education Officer

Hello Global Health people!

My name is Angela, and I am currently doing the Global Health BSc at Imperial! I am standing as your education officer because I realised the importance of having peer support throughout Medical School to make the most out of the experience, stress less, and have plenty of time to do enjoyable activities. Therefore, my main ideas for this role are:

1. Provide timely support for All BSc ICAs: I would organise the tutorials in advance at the start of the academic year to ensure tutors who scored highly on them are available and have created the content in advance. By carrying out short rehearsals, I would ensure these are of excellent quality.

2. BSc project help: both in the selection process, and throughout module 3. I would organise a tutorial on how to choose well the BSc project topic, as well as specific ones on advice for the different types of research studies (qualitative, systematic reviews...)

3. Collaborative tutorials with LMAP society: so phase 1b students are well supported with complex topics.

As the past MedED Crash Course lead, I have experience planning tutorials together with great feedback. I am currently the co-chair for LMAP, so I have worked with Students for Global Health to run tutorials and a speaker series. These experiences would help and guide me toward the goals mentioned in the next academic year.

Thank you so much for reading!

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions!