Photo of Vivaan Gupta

Vivaan Gupta

Hindu Society: Sanskaar Coordinator

Hello everyone! I'm Vivaan and I do Computing. If chosen as Sanskaar Coordinator, I'll steer our society towards a deeper understanding of our faith. An important part of Hinduism is seva. My vision is to incorporate the feeling of seva in all the members of the Hsoc by organising frequent food seva events. Another significant aspect of Hindu sanskar is understanding our religious texts. I would love to introduce Bhagavad Gita sessions to help our members gain more extensive knowledge on this topic. Uni life is always hectic and finding time to visit temples is sometimes difficult. I intend to address this challenge by organising more group trips to temples. Let's keep our cultural ship sailing smoothly, embracing unity and integrity. Together, we'll explore the richness of our Sanskaar with enthusiasm and respect.