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Matt Gummow

Algorithmic Trading: Head of Trading

I am Matt Gummow, a 3rd year Chemistry student and I am excited to apply for the position of Head of Trading for the Algorithmic Trading Society.

Having been co-deputy Head of Trading for the past year, I have gained invaluable experience in how the society functions and how best to deliver the lecture series - as well as ways it can be improved this coming fall. I have been deeply involved with the society, delivering a lecture (Portfolio Optimisation) alongside my co-deputy, and marking all assessments for this year's course certificate. One of my main goals as HoT is to incorporate more employers into the lecture series (the MS lecture this year was incredibly successful) to boost/maintain attendance through the course.

I am officially co-running for this position alongside Alex Timms, a 3rd year Molecular Bioengineering student, who is a keen member of the society with rich knowledge in Machine Learning and its applications within quantitative finance. Previously Alex has interned at the startup (a forex-focused quant firm), working alongside data scientists and day traders, and he wishes to educate members of the society further on his learnings from this experience. He would be a massive asset to the head of trading team, and our combination of committee experience and ambition to continue the upward trajectory of the society makes us a formidable HoT team.