Photo of Shafi Maahe

Shafi Maahe

Algorithmic Trading: President

It is with great enthusiasm and dedication that Ben James and I present our manifesto to lead the Algorithmic Trading Society to new heights. Combining our unique portfolio of experiences with my leadership roles across various demanding societies and organising few of world’s largest student-led events to Ben’s strong computing background and insights as the current Deputy Head of Trading, we cannot wait to bring in invaluable opportunities to our members across financial technology, machine learning and start-ups.

Our vision for the society is focused entirely on giving our members an aggressive edge over not only just securing the top quant role but in developing the skills required to pioneer the next wave of financial technology in this rapidly changing landscape driven by Artificial Intelligence.

With an influx of demand from firms worldwide to hire Imperial talent, Algorithmic Trading Society is in driving seat to cultivate and become not only a recruitment hub for these top roles but also a place to innovate. Alongside Ben developing our existing flagship Algo-course and Algothon, I aim to leverage this exact fact to immediately set in motion 3 things:

  1. An introduction to AI and Machine Learning – Imperial-X, Stability AI
  2. Start-up incubator in collaboration with Imperial Blockchain and Entrepreneurs alongside other top universities experimenting with state-of-the-art technologies
  3. Close collaboration with leading quant firms and VCs to spin-off student projects and help commercialize them

We hope you also resonate with this vision, truly leveraging the recent drive in technological growth to create unprecedented value.