Photo of Akshaya Muthirulandi

Akshaya Muthirulandi

Surgical: Webmaster

Hi! I am Akshaya Muthirulandi, your future Surgical Society webmaster!

Having spent this previous year serving on subcommittee for Surgical Society, I have gained invaluable experience in the technical side of events, including watching many of the surgical spotlights hosted and seeing behind the scenes in setting up AV during conferences. Additionally, I feel I have gained experience from my current I– Explore module (Clinical Engineering and Surgical Robotics) which has given insight into coding.

As webmaster, I would like to continue Dean’s current amazing work and also utilise a surgical society website more – including for the purchase of tickets etc, which have previously been available via the union website. Furthermore, I would like the website to be constantly updated to showcase the events within the society. Finally, I would like the website to be in use as it is currently out of use. Hopefully, I can find a way to keep the site open despite the monetary concerns.

Finally, thank you for reading my manifesto, and I hope you do vote for Akshaya Muthirulandi as your future webmaster :)