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Lowri Morris

Kinky Klub: Chair

Whether you’ve signed up to this club as a joke or for genuine reasons, let’s agree that it’s the perfect opportunity to have fun, meet new people, and overall just have a laugh. So let’s turn this club into that!

To quote one of my close friends “Kinky Klub - that’s so you!”. Regardless of if this is her way of calling me promiscuous, it’s a fantastic piece of evidence to prove that I’d be great at leading this club.

Since this was a bit of an impulsive decision, I don’t have anything particularly articulate to say or any revolutionary ideas, but some events I have in mind are:

  • Pub crawl: with some sort of kinky theme/challenges incorporated (it’s a WIP).
  • Naked Soho trip: Naked Soho is a little restaurant that serves its food on some slightly suggestive crockery - it’s bound to be a laugh, plus we can hit a load of bars in Soho afterwards.
  • Sex shop crawl: whether you’re looking for something to spice things up, want to laugh at some of the interesting items that are available for purchase, or just want to take a lovely photo with a wall full of dildos, it’s 100% an event that’ll interesting (and memorable to say the least).
  • Slug night: let’s be honest, a Slug night is always a blast - why not go with the sexiest club at Imperial and make it even more fun ;)

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

Vote for me please xoxox