Photo of Rishi Miriyala

Rishi Miriyala

Nutritank: Secretary

Hello! I'm Rishi, a third-year medical student :)

I've been part of Nutritank subcommittee this year and I'd love to be secretary next year!

Nutritank has been one of my favourite societies to volunteer at, from the positive feedback from children and the community. I'm also interested in working in public health in the future, and currently part of a couple of public health initiatives.

Being secretary means being part of the executive committee, shaping the direction of the society and taking charge of the logistics from event proposals to contacting collaborators. I've been on the executive committee for Students for Global Health and Cardiovascular Society, and have been events officer LMAP Society. I'd love to translate these skills to Nutritank and take the society forward this year.

I would also love to implement a monthly newsletter with healthy recipes, volunteering announcements and collaborative opportunities with Nutritank!