Photo of Chelsea Choi

Chelsea Choi

Sign Language: Social Secretary

Hello Everyone :)

My name is Chelsea and I am running for the position of Social Secretary for Sign Lanaguage society this year!
As a dedicated individual with profound enthusiasm for BSL, I am excited to contribute my skills and passion meaningfully to the success and growth of this society.

BSL is bridge that connects individuals and communities together, and I have recognised the transformative power it has in fostering inclusivity and understanding. Therefore, my primary aim as social secretary would be to continue promoting the beauty and significance of BSL, to amplify awareness and for it to reach a wider audience. Through engaging social activities and innovative publicity campaigns, I am committed to ensure this society remains inclusive and accessible to all within the university.

In addition to my passion for BSL, I bring with me valuable experience in society management. Currently serving as a committee member in ICSMLHC, I have gained valuable insights into the intricacies of running a society. I believe my experience equips me with the skills necessary to effectively fulfill the duties of Social secretary and contribute to the smooth functioning of events.

I also realise the importance of communication within the society so as Social Secretary, I will prioritise open and transparent communication channels and make sure members are kept informed about upcoming events, initiatives and opportunities for involvement.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto!

Chelsea Choi