Photo of Dana Whigan

Dana Whigan

Sign Language: President

Hi everyone! I’m Dana and I’d love to be your SignSoc President this coming year :)

I’m a second year Medical Biosciences student, and I’ve completed my Level 1 and 2 BSL as part of Horizons/I-Explore. I have also been the BSL Horizons student rep for the past 2 years and have enjoyed volunteering to help teach the BSL Level 1 classes.

Taking BSL classes has been my absolute favourite part of my time here at Imperial. Sadly, I cannot continue with Horizons BSL classes next year, as BSL Level 3 does not exist (yet!)

So, as I cannot let go of my love for BSL, I’d like to redirect that love towards SignSoc!

If I’m elected President for next year, I hope to:

  • Facilitate teaching of SignSoc sessions
  • Invite guest speakers, like Deaf people and interpreters, that can provide insight into the Deaf world
  • Compile and share resources related to getting official BSL qualifications
  • Develop further discussions into Deaf culture and what careers you can have with BSL skills