Photo of Diogo Izidoro

Diogo Izidoro

Students for Global Health: Chair

Hello! My name is Diogo, I am a 4th year medical student currently intercalating in Global Health, and I am running for Chair of Students for Global Health.

My main goal for the upcoming year is to deliver a Global Health Careers Fair for the first time since the pandemic. I aim to work with both National SfGH and local London branches to deliver a large event catering to the wide range of careers in the field. I also aim to continue our educational provision of tutorials and talks, and encourage emerging ideas for developing new events.

In this past year as secretary for SfGH, I have become familiar with the resources and networks available to us. I hope to maximise our reach and quality of activities in collaboration with relevant Global Health colleagues.

My previous experience as the inaugural N4Y Lead at Imperial Nutritank taught me how to deploy and develop a successful volunteering scheme. I will use this knowledge to support the Projects and Volunteering Officer with their role.

I have held various leadership positions in the arts societies, where I have developed my personal skills and become familiar with Union processes for delivering large events, both of which put me in good stead to successfully lead the SfGH committee.

I look forward to leading our committee in delivering exciting opportunities for everyone interested in the exciting field of Global Health. Thank you for your consideration!