DoCSoc: Academic Events Coordinator


Sushant Pulavarthi

Hi, I'm Sushant, currently a first year Computing student. Since joining Imperial, I have had great fun attending various DoCSoc events. I was also on the tech team behind ICHack, and helped to develop the website that was used by hackers on the day ( Working with the committee has given me a better understanding of how DoCSoc works, and the vast amount of work needed to make events run smoothly. ...

Angad Kalra

As inquisitive STEM students, I believe that all members of DoCSoc, including myself, are eager to constantly expand their technical horizons and acquire new skills. Thus, I am standing for the role of Academic Events Coordinator to transform DoCSoc into a hub of academic exploration and learning regarding all things computing. What are my plans? Organize diverse skill workshops, reintroducing events like ...

Edwin Fernando

Hi, I'm a 2nd computing student. My goal as academic events coordinator is to get regular (hopefully weekly) talks by professors and students about their research, as in other departments. This was more difficult than expected this year in organising DoCSoc deep dives. Emailing lots of professors was quite inefficient. So next year I hope to structure the process more with sign up forms and categories to get stude ...