Photo of Angela Song

Angela Song

Psychiatry: Education Officer

Hi all,

My name is Angela Song, and I am a second-year biotech student. I am running for the position of Education Officer for Psychiatry. As an advocate for mental health awareness, I am committed to advancing our understanding of psychiatry and promoting educational opportunities for all members. If elected, I aim to achieve the following:

  1. Organize a variety of events, including seminars, guests lectures, and interactive sessions, tailored to the diverse interests and knowledge levels of our members.
  2. Promote partnerships with psychiatric institutions, as well as psychiatrists and mental health professionals, to enhance our learning experience and gain valuable insights from experts in the field.
  3. Actively seek feedback and suggestions from our members to tailor our activities to their interests and needs, as well as to create a more inclusive and welcoming environment.

Thank you for reading my manifesto, and I would be honored to be given the opportunity to enrich your experience within Psychiatry :)