Fellwanderers (Imperial Hiking Society): Co-President


Daniel Hesk

It's me, Daniel Hesk, Deputy President and gaunt Victorian hell-child. Would you dare elect me? I who have walked alone the highest, foggiest reaches of this awful country? I who have stood barefoot in countless rivers faster than thought and colder than hate? I who once crossed the M25 on foot? I who once walked twenty-five hours without sleep? I who nearly fell off a cliff in the mist last month? I've seen things ...

Cecilia Zheng

Dear Fellwanderers, I am a first-year geophysics student who is delighted to run for Co-President of the Imperial Hiking Society. My passions are nature, adventure, and community. After exploring breathtaking settings in several nations, I understand that our connection to the great outdoors entails a responsibility to preserve and defend our amazing society. My vision centers on creating a vibrant community where e ...