Photo of Annabel Chi

Annabel Chi

Clinical Genetics: Publicity Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Annabel and I’m a first year Molecular Bioengineering student, hoping to be your Publicity Officer for next year. As the Publicity Officer for the Clinical Genetics Society, my primary focus is on promoting our events, whether that is journal clubs, workshops or conferences. Having been part of the Subcommittee this year, I have volunteered in this year's conference, which I found incredibly insightful in engaging with a range of speakers and their latest research, from the use of genomics in rare disease diagnosis to health insurance. I would love to contribute to the success of more of these events in the future, and I am confident that I can create content that promotes the exciting work of the society.

My manifesto for the upcoming year is centred around increasing engagement, so that more students are given the chance to be involved and more importantly be inspired, as I have been since discovering Clinical Genetics in the past year. I think what is key to publicising a society is an engaging social media presence, which is how I discovered Clinical Genetics. Therefore, I plan to highlight our events on instagram regularly and creatively, as well as around campus by making exciting posters. I will also actively manage the GroupChat, notifying members about opportunities and making the society more accessible, especially for younger years and reaching out to new members to maintain interest. All in all, I would love to get more involved and join the committee!