Photo of Shrutha Harish

Shrutha Harish

Clinical Genetics: Journal Club Coordinator

Hi! I'm Shrutha and I would love to help with the journal club as coordinator!

I already have experience in this from setting up a research society in sixth form, looking at research on dementia, genetics and much more. Clinical genetic research and research in general is very fascinating and something a lot of medical student want to get involved in so it is important to understand what it is and how to read it which can be slightly intimidating at times.

I definitely don't know everything about it yet because of how excitingly vast the field of clinical genetics is but I would love help as much as I can. I will try my best to keep it engaging and not too confusing as there are a lot of rabbit holes to go down when venturing into a journal, whether that is reading or writing and building up this skill set will help in any future research endeavours.

Thanks so much for reading, and please vote for me!