Photo of Hari Prabhu

Hari Prabhu

Acute Care Specialities : General Executive

Hello everyone! I’m Hari, a second year medic running for Acute Care Society General Executive.

I believe I am well suited to the role, having developed my communication, teamworking and organisation skills in my role as deputy BMA rep this year. I also took part in the Young Enterprise scheme, where I developed my leadership skills and led my team to win best Journey Award at the South London finals.

I’ve always been interested in acute care. Attending the ACS Dr John Vogel lecture series developed my passion for critical care medicine, and my placement in acute medicine at St Peter’s hospital has given me an insight into the interdisciplinary and fast-paced nature of acute care, which has drawn me to the field.

I would love to foster a strong learning environment in the society by introducing a regular journal club, where new research or innovations can be discussed. I would also organise regular talks from speakers to give society members a better opportunity to engage with the field outside of their degree, in much more depth and complexity. Finally, I would like to contribute to the annual ACS conference, and perhaps introduce a speed networking aspect to help ACS members develop their research interests in the field even further.

Thank you very much for your support!