Photo of Adwait Joshi

Adwait Joshi

Medical Education: Year 3 Coordinator

Hi! We are Anshini and Adwait - two 4th year medics who are passionate about medical education.

Both of us are highly experienced at organising and running events for students and have previously been Presidents of Indian and Oncology society respectively.

Anshini has organised mock OSCEs for 60+ 3rd years previously and has been an effective CPA/OSCE tutor for the past two years.

Adwait was a MedEd teaching academy scholar and is an experienced tutor/lecturer in BRS and PoM for younger years.

Together we aim to continue the legacy of support which MedEd provides to students in their first clinical year. We aim to implement the following changes based on our experience of the MedEd scheme and what works for 3rd year students:

1) Face to face OSCE teaching series with particular focus on increased opportunities for clinical skills practice and exam-based feedback from faculty/senior medical students.

2) Live Passmed/Quesmed run-throughs at the end of each topic to allow students to understand the thought process behind answering questions for the written exam.

3) A specification for 3rd year conditions. One of the main complaints that 3rd years have is that Sofia, Insendi and Medlearn can be tricky to use and so students don't know what to learn and in how much detail. By producing a syllabus, this should become self-explanatory.

Vote for us if you'd like more concise and effective resources in what can be a daunting year.