Photo of Shayaan Sohanpal

Shayaan Sohanpal

Materials: Magazine Officer

Hey, I’m running for Matsoc Magazine officer because like many others I really enjoy learning about all the research happening around us. If elected I would use my position to add some greater focus on certain aspects the magazine covers.

One of those areas would be on the environment. Personally, I don’t feel great about the impact of products and services we utilise every day but the quality of life that we are used to in the modern world would be impossible to abandon. In my eyes material science is the path to reducing that impact as much as possible.

To address this belief, I plan to dedicate a sizable portion of the summer magazine to ecofriendly initiatives that would cover in department research, private sector solutions and opinion pieces from alumni who work in either discipline.

Along with this I plan to add quick-read sections of interesting research within the department. Potentially including it in a winter edition that could also contain key news from relevant industries. I hope this winter edition could act as a initial read to help students fully realise the opportunities available around them in this field and get thinking about what areas they would consider applying for internships or UROPS as Second term begins.

Finally, I do plan to simply build upon previous standards of the magazines. Full 2 page in depth reporting on stories are a great read and I wholly plan to stick with the excellent work of prior MATSOC officers.