Photo of Nicole Xu

Nicole Xu

Society of Research and Academia: Biomedical Representative

Hi everyone! I'm Nicole, a 2nd year Biomedical Student. I would like to be Biomedical Representative for SORA because I have a deep passion for research and hope to promote the research and academia opportunities to my peers!

Since joining SORA, I have gained so many opportunities from networking and have broaden my perspective on the academia field. Therefore, I would like to take the position of promoting a culture of academic excellence to future biomedical scientists. I want to foster collaboration between students, faculty and researchers to enhance the quality and impact of research projects. I intened to provide academic support and resources for fellow biomedical students to ensure their success in their future endeavours. I hope to organise workshops, seminars and networking events to enhance professional development opportunities for students interested in pursuring careers in biomedicine. Moreover, I plan to facilitate mentorship programs connecting students with experienced professional in the field to guide their career path.

My experience in event organisation and promotion, such as collaborating with societies for successful conferences in Imperial Personalized Medicine and contributing to community growth and volunteeriing events in AIESEC, equips me well for this role. I am confident that as Biomedical Rep in SORA, I will be able to provide a supportive environment for Biomed students that aids in academic success and personal development.