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Ivin Jose

Pathology: Vice President

Hello everyone,

I'm Ivin, and I'm excited to be running for Pathology Society's Vice President next year!

As a third-year medic passionate about pathology, I've helped publicise events to students across all years of the Medical School, helped with organising Pathology Society's inaugural Gordon Museum social and served on Pathology committee as Website Officer. Being on committee this year has been truly amazing and I would love to continue contributing to this society next year as Vice President!

My goals as Vice-President are:

• Organising an Inter-uni Pathology Conference in collaboration with other London undergraduate pathology societies in the Autumn term.
• Running a Pathology Crash Course for 5th-year students.
• Potentially kickstarting Imperial's First Intra-University conference on Pathology, in collaboration with other academic societies - HaemSoc, ImmunoSoc, Infectious Diseases Soc and Biomedical Sciences Soc
• ⁠Continuation of Pathology museum visits - Gordon Museum, Hunterian Museum, Imperial Pathology Museum.

With a wealth of experience as a committee member in various other societies, including serving as the Academic Editor for ICSM Gazette, Section Editor of Felix, and co-founding Remote Medicine Society as Secretary, I bring valuable insights and skills to liaising with Union, ensuring the continuous growth and success of the Pathology Society.

Thank you for your consideration!