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Tristan Dupret

Synthetic Biology: Events Officer

Hello all,

My name is Tristan and I am applying for the event officer position for Imperial's Synthetic Biology Society.

If elected for this position, I promise to provide you with as many opportunities as I can find with the aim to develop and nourish our shared interest in the field of synthetic biology. Throughout this year we were able to meet and learn from many experts in their fields, broadening our horizons with the many different applications of synthetic biology. I would like to maintain these sessions during the upcoming year.

One of my projects for the upcoming year is to further emphasize proactiveness by organising seminars and "crash-course" tutorials in different areas of research for our members. Example sessions could be introductions to bioinformatics and tissue engineering, though my priorities will be to you as a society: if there is a specific subject you wish to learn more about or meet with researchers, please talk to me and I will try to organise events accordingly.

A final project I wish to implement is the continuation of the iGEM and BIOMOD teams representing Imperial College London next year. Previously, SynBIC has struggled with organising these events on a yearly basis. With the success of our society this year, it may be possible to finance our university's participation next year. These jamborees are excellent opportunities for all our members who are interested in future research in synthetic biology.

Thank you all for reading.

Tristan Dupret.